Here, formula, concepts and explanations of mathematics are provided. This will be useful for IIT JEE exams and 11th, 12th standard exam (All boards). It includes all parts of mathematics i.e. Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry and Vectors. Also follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep updated with formulae.

Mathematics is backbone for a large number aspirants of JEE Main Exam . This is because, Preparation of Mathematics is comparatively easier than the other two Subjects. foundation based on Sets, Relations and Functions, and other such topics, candidates do not require to start the preparation from scratch.

Tips is to stay updated with the syllabus of JEE Main 2023 Mathematics.
This will guide you work upon the most important topics.
Mathematics is still considered to be difficult because of the fear created out of it.
To overcome your fear, you are advised to start preparing Mathematics pretty well in advance.

  • It is true, if cadidates do practice a sufficient number of JEE Main previous year questions.
  • Definately apirants will get grab over the concepts of JEE Mathematics
  • When you will start solving previous year question papers regularly, you get to know:
  • type of questions
  • patterns of questions
  • that might be present in the upcoming examination
Formula for JEE Mathematics must revolve in mind like electrons